African Cup Outreach Report

I’m not sure how many of you followed the progress of our team to Mali and the African Cup by checking out our website at, but we rejoice in a safe and fruitful trip. The only mishap was a flat tire on the bus on the way, which, on these roads, is cause for rejoicing. Sixty-four staff and students returned to campus last night, tired and desperately wanting ‘real’ showers, but praising the Lord for his protection. This is their wish, as expressed by one of the staff in his e-mail from Mali: “Please pray for the seeds that we have been planting. The dry dusty soil that does not take seed quickly is somewhat of a picture of the conditions that exist in many lives. We want to remain faithful though to the charge of proclaiming Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord. The sowers are sowing, the seed is being spread. Pray that it will take root.” 

Now, even though all are very tired, it’s back to school as usual. Just as in the states, this trimester seems to be the longest and hardest. The hot, dry, dusty weather seems to cause more parched sinuses and therefore more sickness. It also makes for sick computers, since the dust seems to seep in everywhere. My office has again filled up with broken and dying computers, and my hours are filled with computer triage on one hand and user consolation on the other. 

Next week we will be writing to you from the boys middle-school dorm, where we will be spending 2 days as relief houseparents while the regular houseparents take some time off. I’m not sure we are in our right minds, agreeing to do this, so please pray for us and for the 21 junior high boys who will be in our charge. These are some of the same students Bob teaches, which could be a good thing or could be a bad thing. We’ll let you know in our next update. 

As always, we thank you for your prayers. As we met with our director this week regarding our future plans, we realized again how ‘right’ this is for us, and we praise God for what He has done, is doing, and is going to do in the future in our lives and through your prayers.