For Immediate Release: Penny Fair

Hollywood will come to ICA this Saturday with such attractions as Jurasic Park (maze), Jaws (waterslide), The Rock (the jail where you can have your ‘favorite’ people detained and bombarded with waterguns and waterbombs), Toyland (all kinds of kiddie games), Fried Green Tomatoes (a cake walk – like musical chairs with food prizes), Space Jam (on-going sports contests) and Tarzan (‘skyride’). Planet Hollywood, our food court, will also be open for business. All proceeds go to the International Christian Academy Class of 2005

Does it sound like fun? We hope it will be, but for now it’s all WORK! The freshmen are finally joining us in this work with lots of new and creative ideas. It will be interesting to see how it finally comes together. Next week, we’ll send pictures!

It seems our campus is finally healthy again after this last 3-4 week round with a flu-type virus. The only problem is that now our African workers seem to be coming down with the same virus; Bob took our house girl home today at noon.

We are hearing good reports about missions trips that some of you are involved in. These trips are close to our heart because we know how God has used them in our own lives. Any church is blessed when her people become interested and involved in these types of trips, providing first-hand knowledge of life on the mission field. Keep sending those reports; we love to read them.