Guest of Honor!

Only the day after Christmas, and everyone is back at their ‘jobs’. The students will return next Wednesday, and there is a lot to do before that time. Christmas decorations are coming down, and beds are being made up. The homes and school rooms have been cleaned thoroughly, as they are during each break. This coming trimester is the ‘tough’ one, when it is hot and dry and everything is brown. The dust of the harmattan quickly takes over, and keeping things clean is a never ending project. 

Sunday’s service in the village where our men and boys helped finish a church was attended by 500+ villagers, some walking many kilometers just to be a part of the celebration. The local chief was present to hear a clear gospel message. The people here are so appreciative of all we do, and they really enjoy letting us know. They served dinner to anyone who stayed, and also fed the workers during the week. In fact, Bob was the guest of honor on Thursday when he was served the head of a bushrat. I think he would have preferred not to be so honored!

Although we missed our families, Christmas day wasn’t as tough as it could have been. I think this is partly due to the fact that it doesn’t seem like Christmas to us – it’s too hot! – and there wasn’t the hustle and bustle of shopping that I’m used to. Also, our new friends here at ICA were determined that no one would have time to get lonely. We had activities throughout the entire day and on Christmas Eve. But we also know the biggest reason we were ‘OK’ is because you were praying; we thank you for that. 

Some of you have written to us to encourage us and to let us know how we can pray for you. We enjoy hearing from you and being your prayer partner also, so keep those e-mails coming. (I’ll do my best to keep the e-mail working from this end.)