We have a car!

It’s so good to come back to you each week and thank you for the prayers we know you have offered on our behalf. We have been able to complete the purchase of the vehicle God has provided for us, and now we feel like real career missionaries, rather than short-termers who borrow school vehicles (which aren’t always available). 

Spiritual Emphasis Week is over, but if the testimonies at the bonfire Friday night were any indication, the impact will be lasting. The students were challenged to be humble, to be more sensitive to others, and to be encouragers – good lessons for us all!

Christmas has already arrived at ICA since Leaving Day is Nov. 21st. Some dorms are decorating and making cookies, while Student Senate is planning next week’s Christmas banquet. The high school boys are being extremely creative in asking the girls to the banquet. Invitations range all the way from a singing telegram at meal time to an individualized quiz with the big question (teacher cooperation) to having the big question on an overhead during song time in chapel. One guy even came charging up on a borrowed horse to sweep his girl off her feet. I think the invitations are actually the fun part; the banquet will be anticlimactic.

Thank you again for your prayers and for being faithful where you are. We like to think of you all as you meet on Sundays and Wednesday; they are special times during the week when we know what our loved ones are doing. It feels like we’re connecting with ‘home’. Thank you for being there.